leituras de 2018 – parte 10, a cerejinha no topo

Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies and Revolution (Laurie Penny)

Honestamente não lembro mais quem me deu a dica – algo me diz que foi o perfil do Conexão Feminista no Insta, mas não tenho certeza.

Como vem acontecendo com frequência, me arrependi de ter comprado esse livro no Kindle. Ultimamente prefiro usar o e-reader pra ler ficção; não-ficção requer um nível de atenção que só o papel me proporciona, e eu ODEIO ter que procurar os highlights no dispositivo, em vez de procurar os post-its colados nas páginas do livro impresso. Como esse foi de longe a melhor coisa que eu li esse ano, vou comprar o impresso também e atochar de post-it, até porque prevejo que ainda usarei MUITOS trechos dele pra ilustrar um monte de coisas aqui e no Pistolando, e consultar no papel ainda é mais fácil, pra mim, do que no e-reader.


Women, like any oppressed class, learn to fear our own rage. Our anger is legitimately terrifying. We know that if it ever gets out, we might get hurt, or worse, abandoned. One sure test of social privilege is how much anger you get to express without the threat of expulsion, arrest, or social exclusion, and so we force down our rage like rotten food until it festers and sickens us.

I believe that if anything can save us in this fraught and dazzling future, it is the rage of women and girls, of queers and freaks and sinners. I believe that the revolution will be feminist, and that when it comes it will be more intimate and more shocking than we have dared to imagine.

Public ‘career feminists’ have been more concerned with getting more women into ‘boardrooms’, when the problem is that there are altogether too many boardrooms, and none of them are on fire.

The world has changed for women and queers as much as it possibly could without upsetting the underlying structure of society, which is still sexist, homophobic and misogynist, because it relies for its continued existence on sexual control, on social inequality and on the unpaid labour of women and girls. Further change will require more ambition than we have hitherto been permitted.

Feminism is not a set of rules. It is not about taking rights away from men, as if there were a finite amount of liberty to go around. There is an abundance of liberty to be had if we have the guts to grasp it for everyone. Feminism is a social revolution, and a sexual revolution, and feminism is in no way content with a missionary position. It is about work, and about love, and about how one depends very much on the other. Feminism is about asking questions, and carrying on asking them even when the questions get uncomfortable.

While we’re on the subject, here’s what I want. I want mutiny. I want women and queers and everyone else who’s been worked over by gender and poverty and power, which by the way means most of us, to stop waiting to be rewarded for good behaviour. There are no gold stars coming and there are few good jobs left. Even if we buy the right clothes and work the right hours and show up every day with the same cold gag of a smile clenched between our teeth, there’s no guarantee we’ll be left alone to grow old before the floodwaters come in.

Forget it. It’s done. Thd social revolution that’s been choking and stumbling down a gauntlet of a century and more, the feminist fightback, the sexual re-scripting, the tearing up of old norms of race and class and gender, it has to start again, with all of us this tie, not just the rich white kids who needed it last. So it has to be mutiny.

It must be mutiny. Nothing else will do. I used to be less hardline about this. I used to vote, and sign petitions, and argue for change within the system. I stayed up all night to watch Obama get elected; I cheered for the Liberals in London. I thought that maybe if we kept asking for small change – a shift in attitudes about body hair, a slight increase in the minimum wage, maybe shut down a few porn shops and let the gays marry – then eventually we’d get the little bit of freedom we wanted, if it wasn’t too much trouble.

No more of that. Being a good girl gets you nowhere. Asking nicely for change gets you nowhere. Mutiny is necessary. Class mutiny, gender mutiny, sex mutiny, love mutiny. It’s got to be mutiny in our time.

TUDO ISSO SÓ NA INTRODUÇÃO. Eu quero casar com essa mulher, pelamooooooooooooooooooor

Enfim. Eu já indiquei ele no Pistolando e provavelmente continuarei indicando. Leiam. Leiam. Leiam.

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